By Zanna

You will never know the beauty is here
Till when you brought Salma into your house.
She has brought beauty to the world
To boost the immune system of your soul.
She is perfect in size,
A little girl with curvaceous hips.
She is beautiful,
Strong, intelligent
And independent.
Born of thought's truly grand,
Smiling to ease in your promised land,
Makes a difference in your life;
Picks you up
Quites your fears,
Raises your spirit,
Values you and zaps you back to reality.
She is the light that fills your heart with inspiration and
Sweet as candy
Lots of brains,
Warm as summer
Cool as rain,
White in complexioned,
Priceless girl.
I want to write about you.
Words are lame to describe you.
I must bring a pen with golden ink
To harbour your tiny little secret which get buried in the dirt.
And if they were dug up
Some men will probably get hurt,
For you are the armor to daredevils.
You are Salma,
The ones who came with salama.
A precious bride of June
To make a happy nuptial with an eloquent majnoon.
The sun will shine on you again
With a heavy price of gain,
Beyond dark clouds, thunder and rain
You will rise up with new strength.
An accountant by profession
Who knows the value of zero with no concoction.
A first class woman
Among the whole class women.
She is the one you see in your dreams
Smiling to cure your dying heart.
She is not just Salma,
She is salmas' secrets.
This is not just salmas' secrets,
This is Salma Mohammed's secret.
I hanged my pen here.

©️Zanna's pen