By Uthman Al-gurawy 

When double opposing objects matched together,
there ought to be a chaos and turmoil.
But when synonymous are in touch
there will be delight and bliss.

When thy star shines in a cerulean and azure sky,
there will be an envy in the setting.
As life continuously imparts a loaf of modules,
I am situated a lot from lots of statuses round the settings.
My heart admired her and she pretends to act the same as I did,
I bequeathed my heart to her
I beneath and dwell before her just to attest my love,
I valued her as my natal parallel sis,
statuses compelled me to respect her maternal,
I glanced them as my mater-paternal,
her networks converted to my biological sisters
giving a sense of admiration towards them.

But all she does directs me to build a castle in the air!